How to install

  1. Unzip the archive you have downloaded to a folder of your choice (e.g. "C:\Program files\TreeGraph")
  2. Run TreeGraph 2 by executing the file "TreeGraph.jar" in the folder you have unzipped all files to. (If your operating system does not support running JAR files you can also run the program via the command line by typing java -jar PathToYourFolder/TreeGraph.jar. Windows users can alternatively start "TreeGraph.exe".)

Future version will also contain installers for Windows and Linux platforms which will also be able to register different file types (e.g. *.xtg or *.tre) to be opened with TreeGraph 2.

File associations

Since there are currently no installers available for TreeGraph 2 you would have to associate file types like Newick, Nexus or the native format of TreeGraph 2 (XTG) manually if you e.g. want to be able to open these files with TreeGraph 2 by a double click. On windows platforms we recommend to associate files with TreeGraph.exe instead of TreeGraph.jar.

Furthermore you can use the file icons which are contained in the installation directory of TreeGraph 2 in the icons subfolder.

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