
TreeGraph 2

Journal article

If you produce a published work, which uses the sources or binaries of TreeGraph 2 please cite the following paper:

Stöver BC, Müller KF: TreeGraph 2: Combining and visualizing evidence from different phylogenetic analyses. BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11:7 Open access Highly accessed

Conference posters

Wiechers S, M?ller KF, St?ver BC: Increasing data accessibility and reuse in phylogenetics by employing externally defined ontologies. 6th annual Symposium of the M?nster Graduate School of Evolution; M?nster, Germany; 2017


Wiechers S, M?ller KF, St?ver BC: New comparison and annotation methods of the phylogenetic tree editor TreeGraph 2. 5th annual M?nster Graduate School of Evolution Symposium; Münster, Germany; 2015


St?ver BC, Wiechers S, M?ller KF: Recent development of the phylogenetic tree editor TreeGraph 2. German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB); Dortmund, Germany; 2015



TreeGraph 1

Müller J, Müller K, TreeGraph: automated drawing of complex tree figures using an extensible tree description format. Molecular Ecology Notes 2004, 4:786-788

Please make sure to cite this paper only of you are really using the old command line based version of TreeGraph. If you produce published work based on TreeGraph 2, pleace cite the BMC Bioinformatics paper (which describes TreeGraph 2) instead.

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