TreeGraph 2 - A feature rich and easy to use phylogenetic tree editor

Example of possible formats in TreeGraph 2
Example of some possible formats in TreeGraph 2  [Enlarge]  [Download]

TreeGraph 2 is a is graphical editor for phylogenetic trees, which allows to apply various of graphical formats and edit operations and supports several (visible or invisible) annotations attached to nodes or branches. Data can be imported from many tree formats, tables and BayesTraits output. A key feature is the interactive comparison and combination of alternative topologies from different analyses. TreeGraph 2 is licensed under GNU General Public License.

You can find more software developed by the authors at


TreeGraph 2 has been published in BMC Bioinformatics:

Stöver BC, Müller KF: TreeGraph 2: Combining and visualizing evidence from different phylogenetic analyses. BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11:7

Key features

Getting started

Command line precursor

The command line based precursor of TreeGraph 2 allows creating annotated trees in a LaTeX like language and can be found under

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Version 3.4.0 of <i></i> released

Nov 26, 2020: Version 3.4.0 of released

A new version of our Java library bioinfweb.commons has been released. It consists of different modules to be used in bioinformatics or in a general purpose that are made available under GNU LGPL 3.

Feb 11, 2020: Software developed in our group presented at the WWU reproducible research workshop

We presented how our software components help to improve reproducibility of scientific workflows at a workshop organized by the WWU "Opening Reproducible Research" project (o2r) team.

This press release provides an overview on the results of the workshop.

Paper on JPhyloIO published

Jul 22, 2019: Paper on JPhyloIO published

Our library for reading and writing of phylogenetic file formats through one event-based interface was published in BMC Bioinformatics.

St√∂ver BC, Wiechers S, M√?ller KF: JPhyloIO: A Java library for event-based reading and writing of different phylogenetic file formats through a common interface. BMC Bioinformatics 2019, 20:401

Version 1.0.0 of <i>JPhyloIO</i> released

Jun 12, 2019: Version 1.0.0 of JPhyloIO released

A new version of our library for reading and writing of phylogenetic file formats through one event-based interface was released.

The initial feature set is now complete and JPhyloIO is now available for public production use under the major version number 1.

Version 2.15.0 of TreeGraph released

Apr 26, 2019: Version 2.15.0 of TreeGraph released

A new version of our phylogenetic tree editor can be downloaded from

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