Help - Default node/branch data columns

From TreeGraph help

Each document in TreeGraph defines default node/branch data columns, which are used to locate default leaf and support values in a document. They can be set to any node/branch data column by the user and are e.g. by the Synchronizing tree selections feature to identify the according columns to compare tree topologies.

Note that this feature was not available before TreeGraph 2.5.0.

The default node/branch data columns dialog

The Default node/branch data columns dialog.

In this dialog the default node/branch data columns for the currently active document can be selected. You can access it in the submenu "Node/branch data" of the edit menu.

Default leaf column

Here a column can be specified that shall be used to identify the leaves of a tree. By default the node names column is selected.

Default support column

Here a column can be specified that contains the default support values for a tree. Although a tree may contain any number of different support values and annotations, one column can be selected here to be used as the default one in certain cases.

Any existing column (that should contain decimal values) can be selected here. It is valid to specify no column here, e.g. if the tree does not contain any support values.

See also