Packages | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph | All classes of the TreeGraph 2 application are contained in this package or one of its subpackeges. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.cmd | Contains classes that process the command line arguments for TreeGraph 2. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document |
Contains the classes that represent the data structure of TreeGraph 2 (document elements and
formats) as well as all edit operations in the undo -package to manipulate the data
structure and classes to read and write a document from and to different formats (io -
subpackage). |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.clipboard | Classes in this package implement the clipboard of TreeGraph 2 used to copy document elements (subtrees, labels, legends, ...) between and inside tree documents. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.format | Contains classes that store format information of the different document elements. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.format.adapters.color | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.format.adapters.distance | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.format.operate | Format operators are used to change single formats of document elements. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io | Contains classes necessary to read and write the data structure of a TreeGraph 2 document from and to different formats. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.log | Classes related to logging messages of document readers are contained in this package. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.newick | Contains classes implementing the import from and export to the Newick format. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.nexus | Contains classes implementing the import from and export to the Nexus format. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.phyloxml | Contains classes implementing the import from the phyloXML format. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.tgf | The classes in this package were planned to allow the import of TGF files into TreeGraph 2. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.xtg | Contains classes implementing reading and writing of TreeGraph 2 documents. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.nodebranchdata |
Contains classes that implement the access to different data fields of the document elements over the common
interface NodeBranchDataAdapter . |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.position |
Contains classes used by the positioners and painters (see package
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.positionpaint ) to store information about the positions where
the document elements will be painted. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo | Contains all document edits to manipulate the TreeGraph 2 data structure. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.edit | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.edit.calculatecolumn | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.file | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.file.addsupportvalues | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.format | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.export | The classes in this package implement the export of a tree document to the different supported graphic formats. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.export.emf | The classes of this package implement exporting trees to a Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF). |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.export.jpeg | The classes of this package implement exporting trees to the JPEG File Interchange Format. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.export.pdf | The classes of this package implement exporting trees to the Portable Document Format (PDF). |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.export.png | The classes of this package implement exporting trees as Portable network graphics (PNG). |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.export.svg | The classes of this package implement exporting trees as Scalable vector graphics (SVG). |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.export.tiff | The classes of this package implement exporting trees to the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.positionpaint |
The classes in this package implement the output of an TreeGraph 2 document with Graphics2D . |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.positionpaint.labelicons | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui | Contains the TreeGraph 2 GUI. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions | Contains the actions classes used in the TreeGraph 2 GUI. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.edit | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.file | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.format | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.help | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.select | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.view | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.window | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs | Contains dialogs of the TreeGraph 2 GUI. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.editelement | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.elementformats | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.elementformats.piecolor | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.io | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.io.exporttographic | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.io.loadlogger | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.nodebranchdata | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.nodebranchdatainput | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.specialformats | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.mainframe | Contains all classes directly related to the main frame. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.mainframe.tools | |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.treeframe | Contains all classes that make up a document window. |
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.treeframe.ruler |