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TreeGraph 2

Package info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document

Contains the classes that represent the data structure of TreeGraph 2 (document elements and formats) as well as all edit operations in the undo-package to manipulate the data structure and classes to read and write a document from and to different formats (io- subpackage).


Interface Summary
DocumentListener Classes implementing this interface can listen to changes made in a TreeGraph 2 document.
TextElement Implemented by all document elements which contains textual or numeric values.
TreeElement Implemented by document elements which are part of the tree (unlike e.g. legends or the scale bar).

Class Summary
AbstractTextElement This class can be used as the acestor of all classes that represent document elements which contain text or decimal values.
Branch The entity for a branch.
ContrastManager Ensures that document elements (that are e.g. pasted from the clipboard) have a sufficient contrast to the document background.
Document Instances of this class contain the data for a tree and its formats as well as position-information for all TreePositioners used with this Document.
DocumentChangeEvent Event that indicates all types of changes in TreeGraph 2 document.
GraphicalLabel Abstract precursor of all graphical labels which allows to independently access the graphical label formats.
Labels This class stores the Labels of a Node and provides infomation about whole rows and columns.
Node This class represents a node of a tree in the TreeGraph data structure.
NodeLadderizeComparable This class is a wrapper class for Node-objects that allowws them to be compared by their number of terminal subnodes.
PieChartLabel Represents a pie chart label.
PieColorManager Defines the default colors for the pies in pie chart labels.
ScaleBar This element represents a scale bar for the branch length values.
TextElementData This class is used to store data of tree elements which can either be a string or a decimal value.
Tree Instances of this class provide an environment for the recursive data-structure of tree-elements without their formats.
TreePath This class stores the path to an node from the root of the tree or a specified ancestor.
TreeSerializer Utility class that is able to serialize tree elements in several ways.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
NoLinkedNodeException Thrown when a method of a tree element is invoked which need to access the linked node, but the element does not have a linked node.

Package info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document Description

Contains the classes that represent the data structure of TreeGraph 2 (document elements and formats) as well as all edit operations in the undo-package to manipulate the data structure and classes to read and write a document from and to different formats (io- subpackage).

Class and interface hierarchy of classes representing document elements

class and interface hierarchy of document elements