Help - Editing node/branch data
This article describes how to edit node/branch data directly in table of the document window of TreeGraph 2. This table contains columns for the node names, branch lengths and each type of text labels and [hidden node/branch data]]. (The unique node name column is not editable.)
Note that before version 2.0.24 the node/branch data table was located in a special dialog instead of the document window. This dialog is explained here: Old:Edit node/branch data
Editing values by hand
To edit a value in the table select the according cell with the mouse or move there using the cursor keys. By pressing F2 you can start editing the value. Finish your changes by typing Enter or moving up or down with the cursor keys.
Defining the data type
On the right of each data column you find another column containing check boxes which can be selected or deselected. A selected check box indicates that the content of this cell is stored as a numeric value. If you want the change the data type of a whole column, select a cell in this columns and click on Edit → Node/branch data → Set column to decimal type or Set column to text type in the main menu.
Note that you can apply decimal formats to nodes or text labels displaying numerical data by selecting the according label(s) in the tree and clicking on Format → Element formats....
Deleting columns
To remove a whole column instead of single values select a cell of that column and click on Edit → Node/branch data → Delete column in the main menu.
Other edit operations
Besides this basic operations several more complex operations are available to edit node/branch data:
- Copying node/branch data (Copies the contents of one node/branch data column to another one.)
- Calculating node/branch data (Powerful feature to calculate textual or numeric values of one column from values of one or more other columns)
- Deleting node/branch data outside interval (Deletes numerical node/branch data values which are not in a specified interval)
- Replace text in node/branch data (Allows to replace substrings of textual node/branch data values or to add substrings before or after the current text.)
See also
- Document window
- Editing text element values (Describes how to edit text labels or node names directly from the tree view.)