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TreeGraph 2

Uses of Class

Packages that use TreeGraphAction
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions Contains the actions classes used in the TreeGraph 2 GUI. 

Uses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions

Subclasses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions
 class DocumentAction
          Implements basic functionality for all actions in TreeGraph 2 which are applied on opened documents.
 class EditDialogAction
          Superclass for all actions that display a dialog.

Uses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.edit

Subclasses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.edit
 class CalculateColumnAction
 class ChangeLabelIDAction
 class CollapseNodeAction
 class CopyAllLabelsAction
 class CopyColumnAction
 class CopyElementAction
 class CutAction
 class DeleteColumnAction
 class DeleteElementAction
 class DeleteOutsideIntervalAction
 class DeleteSubelementsAction
 class EditBranchLengthAction
 class EditPieChartLabelIDsAction
 class EditTextElementAction
 class LadderizeAction
 class LadderizeDownAction
 class LadderizeUpAction
 class MoveSubtreeAction
          This abstract class contains basic functionalities to extract the node to be moved from the selection and is the ancestor of MoveSubtreeUpAction and MoveSubtreeDownAction.
 class MoveSubtreeDownAction
 class MoveSubtreeUpAction
 class NewIconLabelsAction
 class NewLegendAction
 class NewNodeAction
 class NewPieChartLabelsAction
 class NewTextLabelAction
 class PasteAction
 class RedoAction
 class RedoToAction
          Undoes all edit to the specified edit.
 class RenameDataIDAction
 class ReplaceInNodeDataAction
          Action in the edit menu.
 class RerootAction
 class SearchTextAction
 class SeparateBranchAction
 class SetColumnToDecimalAction
          Implements basic functionality to set the data type for all lines of a node/branch data column.
 class SetColumnToTextAction
 class SetColumnTypeAction
          Implements basic functionality to set the data type for all lines of a node/branch data column.
 class UndoAction
 class UndoRedoToAction
          Subclass of UndoToAction and RedoToAction which implements common behavior.
 class UndoToAction
          Redoes all edit to the specified edit.

Uses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.file

Subclasses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.file
 class AddSupportValuesAction
 class ApplyNameTableAction
 class CloseAction
 class ExitAction
 class ExportTableAction
 class ExportToGraphicAction
 class ExportToNewickNexusAction
 class ExportToPDFAction
 class ImportTableAction
 class NewDocumentAction
 class OpenAction
 class SaveAction
 class SaveAsAction

Uses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.format

Subclasses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.format
 class AutoPositionLabelsAction
 class ColorsByNodeBranchDataAction
 class DistanceValuesByNodeBranchDataAction
 class EditElementFormatsAction
 class EditGlobalFormatsAction
 class ReanchorLegendAction
 class ScaleBranchLengthsAction
 class ScaleDistanceValuesAction
 class ShowHideScaleBarAction
 class ShowRootedAction

Uses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.help

Subclasses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.help
 class AboutAction
 class HelpAboutMenuAction
 class HelpContentsAction
 class HelpMainPageAction
 class HelpTopicAction
 class HomepageAction
          Navigates to the TreeGraph 2 homepage.

Uses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.select

Subclasses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.select
 class AbstractSelectionAction
          Abstract precursor of all actions that manipulate the document selection.
 class InvertSelectionAction
 class SelectAllAction
 class SelectLabelsInSubtreeAction
 class SelectLabelsWithIDAction
 class SelectLeafsInDocumentAction
 class SelectLeafsInSubtreeAction
 class SelectLegendsAction
 class SelectLegendsInSubtreeAction
 class SelectLegendsWithPosIndexAction
 class SelectSubtreeAction
 class SelectTypeInDocumentAction
 class SelectTypeInSubtreeAction

Uses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.view

Subclasses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.view
 class ChangePainterIDAction
          Allows the user to change the view mode.
 class FitZoomToHeightAction
 class FitZoomToWidthAction
 class FitZoomToWidthHeightAction
 class SetUserZoomAction
 class SetZoomAction
 class SetZoomToOriginalAction

Uses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.window

Subclasses of TreeGraphAction in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.window
 class CascadeAction
 class NextDocumentAction
 class PreviousDocumentAction
 class SelectFrameAction
 class TileHorizontalAction
 class TileVerticalAction