Help - Old:Tool bar (until 2.0.23)

From TreeGraph help
ArticleOnOlderVersion.png This article describes this feature for TreeGraph 2.0.24 or (not necessaryly all) earlier versions. See here for the article on the latest version and a list on other available article versions.

The tool bar provides fast access to the major functions of TreeGraph 2. Alternatively many functions can also be accessed the context menu or a keyboard shortcut. The main menu allows access to all functions.

File functions

File functions are related to opening and saving of tree and graphic files.

Option: Function:
SymbolNewDocument.png New Creates a new (unsaved) tree document and opens it in the editor.
SymbolOpen.png Open Displays a dialog to open a tree file. This option can either be used to open a TreeGraph 2-document (*.xtg) or to import a document in another tree format (e.g. Nexus). (See Open files for details.)
SymbolSave.png Save Saves the tree file which is currently focused. If this file has just been created you will be asked to specify a file name (same as Save as..).
SymbolPDF.png Show PDF Exports the document with the default resolution to a PDF-file in a temporary directory and opens it with the systems default editor. This function can be used to quicklly print a document from the PDF-viewer. (You can alternatively use the Exporting trees as graphics-function.) This option was not available before version 2.0.24.

Edit functions

Edit functions are functions to manipulate the structure of a TreeGraph document like adding, deleting, moving document elements or changing the contents of any node/branch data.

Option: Function:
SymbolUndo.png Undo Restores the state the document had before the last operation (e.g. the change of a format or the deletion of a document element) was executed on it.
SymbolRedo.png Redo Restores the state the document had before the last undo operation was performed (only possible if the last operation was Undo).
SymbolCopyElement.png Copy Copies the currently selected element to the clipboard. (See Copying/cutting document elements for details.)
SymbolCut.png Cut Copies the currently selected element to the clipboard and removes it from the document. (See Copying/cutting document elements for details.)
SymbolPaste.png Paste Inserts the content of the clipboard at the selected position. (See Copying/cutting document elements for details.)
SymbolDelete.png Delete Removes the currently selected elements including their subtrees. (See Copying/cutting document elements for details. Use Collapse node if you want to remove a node without deleting its subtree.)
SymbolEditData.png Edit branch/node data Opens the "Edit branch/node data"-dialog which displays the data of the tree in a table and allows you to edit the data columns. This option is a key feature of TreeGraph 2 which allows a very efficient management of node/branch data. (See Old:Edit node/branch data for details.)
SymbolMoveUp.png Move subtree up Moves the currently selected node (including its subtree) upwards. (See Moving nodes for details.)
SymbolMoveDown.png Move subtree down Moves the currently selected node (including its subtree) downwards. (See Moving nodes for details.)

Format functions

This buttons provide direct access to the document formats.

Option: Function:
SymbolDocumentFormats.png Document formats Displays a dialog to change the document formats (e.g. leaf margin).
SymbolShowRooted.png Show rooted Shows or hides the root branch. (This button is a short cut for the Show rooted-option in the Document formats-dialog.
SymbolShowScaleBar.png Show scale bar Shows or hides the scale bar. (This button is a short cut for the Show scale bar-option in the Document formats-dialog.

View functions

Options contained here allow you to change the view on the tree document.

Option: Function:
SymbolZoomToOriginal.png Zoom to original size Displays the tree in original size. (See Zoom for details.)
SymbolFitToWidthHeight.png Fit zoom to width and height The zoom is changed so that the document fits to the current size of the window. (See Zoom for details.)
SymbolFitToWidth.png Fit zoom to width The zoom is changed so that the tree width equals the current width of the window. (See Zoom for details.)
SymbolPainterRectangularCladogram.png Rectangular cladogram Changes the view mode to Rectangular cladogram (See View modes for details.)
SymbolPainterPhylogramChronogram.png Phylogram/Chronogram Changes the view mode to Phylogram/Chronogram (See View modes for details.)

Window functions

Allows you to directly navigate through the currently opened documents. (The window menu also contains a complete list of all opened documents.)

Option: Function:
SymbolPreviousDocument.png Previous document Brings the window which displays the previous document to the front.
SymbolNextDocument.png Next document Brings the window which displays the next document to the front.

Help functions

Option: Function:
SymbolHelp.png Contents Takes you to the Main Page of this help system.

See also