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TreeGraph 2

Uses of Class

Packages that use Node
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document Contains the classes that represent the data structure of TreeGraph 2 (document elements and formats) as well as all edit operations in the undo-package to manipulate the data structure and classes to read and write a document from and to different formats (io- subpackage). 
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.clipboard Classes in this package implement the clipboard of TreeGraph 2 used to copy document elements (subtrees, labels, legends, ...) between and inside tree documents. 
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.format Contains classes that store format information of the different document elements. 
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.newick Contains classes implementing the import from and export to the Newick format. 
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.phyloxml Contains classes implementing the import from the phyloXML format. 
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.xtg Contains classes implementing reading and writing of TreeGraph 2 documents. 
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.nodebranchdata Contains classes that implement the access to different data fields of the document elements over the common interface NodeBranchDataAdapter
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo Contains all document edits to manipulate the TreeGraph 2 data structure. 
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.positionpaint The classes in this package implement the output of an TreeGraph 2 document with Graphics2D
info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.treeframe Contains all classes that make up a document window. 

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document

Fields in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document declared as Node
private  Node NodeLadderizeComparable.node
private  Node Tree.paintStart
private  Node Node.parent
private  Node Branch.targetNode

Fields in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document with type parameters of type Node
private  ArrayList<Node> Node.children
private  TreeMap<String,Node> Tree.uniqueNameMap

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document that return Node
 Node Node.clone()
          Returns a deep copy of this node not including the subtrees.
 Node Node.clone(boolean keepUniqheNames)
          Returns a deep copy of this node not including the subtrees.
 Node Node.cloneWithSubtree(boolean keepUniqueNames)
          Clones this object and all objects in this subtree and its afferent branch.
 Node TreePath.findNode(Node root)
          Finds the node specidied by the stored path relative to the given root node.
 Node Node.getHighestChild()
          Returns the upper most subnode of this node (e.g. needed for legend positioning).
static Node Node.getInstanceWithBranch()
static Node[] TreeSerializer.getLeafNodesBetween(Node upperLeaf, Node lowerLeaf)
 Node TreeElement.getLinkedNode()
 Node Node.getLinkedNode()
 Node Label.getLinkedNode()
 Node Branch.getLinkedNode()
static Node Tree.getLinkedNode(PaintableElement element)
          Returns the linked node to the given element.
 Node Node.getLowestChild()
          Returns the lowest subnode of this node (e.g. needed for legend positioning).
 Node Node.getNext()
 Node Node.getNextLeaf()
 Node NodeLadderizeComparable.getNode()
 Node Tree.getNodeByUniqueName(String uniqueName)
          Searches for a node with the given unique name in this tree.
 Node Tree.getPaintStart()
 Node Node.getParent()
 Node Node.getPrevious()
 Node Node.getPreviousLeaf()
 Node Branch.getTargetNode()
static Node Tree.mostRecentCommonAncestor(Node n1, Node n2)

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document that return types with arguments of type Node
 List<Node> Node.getChildren()

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document with parameters of type Node
private static
<T extends PaintableElement>
TreeSerializer.addElementsOnNode(List<PaintableElement> list, Node node, Class<T> c)
private static void TreeSerializer.addLabelsWithID(Vector<Label> list, Node root, String id)
private static void TreeSerializer.addLeafNodesBetween(Vector<Node> list, Node root, int level, TreePath upperPath, TreePath lowerPath)
private static void TreeSerializer.addSubtree(Vector<PaintableElement> list, Node root, boolean leafsOnly, Class<? extends PaintableElement> elementClass)
static void NodeLadderizeComparable.addToNode(NodeLadderizeComparable[] elements, Node root)
          This method is used to reinsert sorted elements in the a subtree.
private  void Tree.assignUniqueNamesToSubtree(Node root)
          Assigns unique names to all nodes in the subtree under root currently without one.
static boolean Tree.containsDecimal(NodeBranchDataAdapter adapter, Node root)
          Tests if the subtree under root contains a node which would be able to return a decimal value to the given adapter.
static boolean IDManager.containsIDElements(Node root)
          Test whether the subtree under root contains at least one ID element (label or hidden data)
static int NodeLadderizeComparable.countNodes(Node root)
          Sets all the childCount values of the contained Node-objects.
static NodeLadderizeComparable[] NodeLadderizeComparable.encloseSubnodes(Node root, boolean ladderizeDown)
          Encloses all direct subelements of root with a NodeLadderizeComparable- object and adds this objects to an array that is returned.
 boolean ContrastManager.ensureContrast(Document document, Node root, Legend[] legends)
          Checks the colors of all elements in the subtree under root (including root and its afferent branch) regarding to their contrast to the background color of the document.
private  boolean ContrastManager.ensureSubtreeContrast(Document document, Node root)
          Rekursive method which contains the actual implementation.
 Node TreePath.findNode(Node root)
          Finds the node specidied by the stored path relative to the given root node.
static TextElementData IDManager.getDataByID(Node node, String id)
          Returns the text element data specified by the given ID which is linked to this node (either from a text label, hidden node data or hidden branch data).
<T extends PaintableElement>
TreeSerializer.getElementsInSubtree(Node root, boolean leafsOnly, Class<? extends PaintableElement> elementClass, T[] array)
          Returns an array of tree elements in the subtree under root
<T extends PaintableElement>
TreeSerializer.getElementsInSubtree(Node root, boolean leafsOnly, Class<T> elementClass)
          Returns an array of tree elements in the subtree under root Calling this method is equivalent to getElementsInSubtree(root, leafsOnly, elementClass, (T[])Array.newInstance(elementClass, 0)).
<T extends PaintableElement>
TreeSerializer.getElementsOnNode(Node node, Class<? extends PaintableElement> c, T[] array)
          Returns an array of tree elements linked to the specified node.
<T extends PaintableElement>
TreeSerializer.getElementsOnNode(Node node, Class<T> c)
          Returns an array of tree elements linked to the specified node.
static IconLabel IDManager.getFirstIconLabel(Node root, String id)
          Returns the first icon label with the specified ID to be found in the subtree under root.
static Label IDManager.getFirstLabel(Node root, String id)
          Returns the first label with the specified ID to be found in the subtree under root.
static TextLabel IDManager.getFirstTextLabel(Node root, String id)
          Returns the first text label with the specified ID to be found in the subtree under root.
static String[] IDManager.getHiddenBranchDataIDs(Node root)
          Searches for all the IDs of hidden data that is assigned to a branch present in the subtree under root.
static Vector<String> IDManager.getHiddenBranchDataIDVector(Node root)
static String[] IDManager.getHiddenNodeDataIDs(Node root)
          Searches for all the IDs of hidden data that is assigned to a node present in the subtree under root.
static Vector<String> IDManager.getHiddenNodeDataIDVector(Node root)
static Vector<String> IDManager.getIconLabelIDVector(Node root)
static String[] IDManager.getIDs(Node root)
          Searches for all IDs (hidden data and label IDs) present in the subtree under root.
static Vector<String> IDManager.getIDVector(Node root)
          Searches for all IDs present in the subtree under root.
static String[] IDManager.getLabelIDs(Node root)
          Searches for all label IDs present in the subtree under root.
static Vector<String> IDManager.getLabelIDVector(Node root)
static Label[] TreeSerializer.getLabelsWithID(Node root, String id)
static Node[] TreeSerializer.getLeafNodesBetween(Node upperLeaf, Node lowerLeaf)
static Legend[] TreeSerializer.getLegendsInSubtree(Tree tree, Node root)
          Returns an array of all legends which are completely anchored inside the subtree under root.
static String[] IDManager.getTextLabelIDs(Node root)
static Vector<String> IDManager.getTextLabelIDVector(Node root)
private static Vector<String> IDManager.getVector(Node root, boolean includeTextLabels, boolean includeIconLabels, boolean includeNodeHiddenData, boolean includeBranchHiddenData)
          Returns a vector of IDs which is sorted alphabetically.
static boolean Tree.hasAllBranchLengths(Node root, boolean needsRootLength)
          Tests is there are any branches without a defined length in the subtree under root.
static boolean IDManager.idExists(Node root, String id)
 boolean Node.isChildOf(Node ancestor)
          Tests if the specified node is an ancestor of this node.
static double Tree.longestPath(Node root, boolean includeRootBranch)
          Returns the longest path to a terminal in the subtree of root.
static Node Tree.mostRecentCommonAncestor(Node n1, Node n2)
private static void IDManager.renameIDSubtree(String oldName, String newName, Node root)
          Changes all occurrences of the given ID in the subtree under root.
private static void IDManager.searchIDsInSubtree(Node root, Vector<String> list, boolean includeTextLabels, boolean includeIconLabels, boolean includeNodeHiddenData, boolean includeBranchHiddenData)
private  void Node.searchLeafNames(Node root, Vector<String> names)
 void Tree.setPaintStart(Node paintStart)
 void Node.setParent(Node node)
private  void TreePath.setPath(Node end, Node ancestor)
 void Branch.setTargetNode(Node targetNode)
private static void IDManager.updatePieChartLabels(String oldName, String newName, Node root)
          Updates the renamed ID if it is referenced by pie chart label in the subtree under root.

Method parameters in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document with type arguments of type Node
private static void TreeSerializer.addLeafNodesBetween(Vector<Node> list, Node root, int level, TreePath upperPath, TreePath lowerPath)

Constructors in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document with parameters of type Node
Branch(Node target)
NodeLadderizeComparable(Node node, boolean ladderizeDown)
TreePath(Node leaf)
          Creates a path from the specified leaf to the root of the tree.
TreePath(Node leaf, Node ancestor)
          Creates a path from the specified leaf to the specified ancestor (not including the ancestor itself).

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.clipboard

Fields in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.clipboard declared as Node
private  Node TreeClipboard.subtreeRoot

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.clipboard that return Node
 Node TreeClipboard.getSubtree()
          Returns a deep copy of the subtree in the clipboard.

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.clipboard with parameters of type Node
 void TreeClipboard.copySubtree(Tree tree, Node root)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.format

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.format that return Node
static Node FormatUtils.createNode(Document document)
          Creates a node with an afferent branch to be inserted in the specified document.
static Node FormatUtils.createNode(Node parent)
          Creates a node with an afferent branch to be inserted in the specified document.
 Node LegendFormats.getAnchor(int no)

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.format with parameters of type Node
static Legend FormatUtils.createLegend(Node anchor, Legends legends)
          Creates a legend to be inserted in the specified document.
static Node FormatUtils.createNode(Node parent)
          Creates a node with an afferent branch to be inserted in the specified document.
 void LegendFormats.setAnchor(int no, Node node)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.format.adapters.color

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.format.adapters.color with parameters of type Node
 Color NodeTextColorAdapter.getColor(Node node)
 Color NodeLineColorAdapter.getColor(Node node)
 Color LabelTextColorAdapter.getColor(Node node)
 Color LabelLineColorAdapter.getColor(Node node)
 Color ColorAdapter.getColor(Node node)
 Color BranchLineColorAdapter.getColor(Node node)
 void NodeTextColorAdapter.setColor(Color color, Node node)
 void NodeLineColorAdapter.setColor(Color color, Node node)
 void LabelTextColorAdapter.setColor(Color color, Node node)
 void LabelLineColorAdapter.setColor(Color color, Node node)
 void ColorAdapter.setColor(Color color, Node node)
 void BranchLineColorAdapter.setColor(Color color, Node node)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.format.adapters.distance

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.format.adapters.distance with parameters of type Node
 float NodeTextHeightAdapter.getDistance(Node node)
 float NodeLineWidthAdapter.getDistance(Node node)
 float DistanceAdapter.getDistance(Node node)
          Returns the distance value in millimeters
 float BranchSpaceAboveAdapter.getDistance(Node node)
 float BranchMinLengthAdapter.getDistance(Node node)
 float BranchLineWidthAdapter.getDistance(Node node)
 float AbstractLegendAdapter.getDistance(Node node)
          This method always returns Float.NaN.
 float AbstractLabelDistanceAdapter.getDistance(Node node)
          Returns the distance value of the label with the specified ID in millimeters.
 float AbstractDistanceValueAdapter.getDistance(Node node)
protected  DistanceValue LeafMarginTopAdapter.getDistanceValue(Node node)
protected  DistanceValue LeafMarginRightAdapter.getDistanceValue(Node node)
protected  DistanceValue LeafMarginLeftAdapter.getDistanceValue(Node node)
protected  DistanceValue LeafMarginBottomAdapter.getDistanceValue(Node node)
protected  DistanceValue CornerRadiusAdapter.getDistanceValue(Node node)
protected  DistanceValue BranchSpaceBelowAdapter.getDistanceValue(Node node)
protected abstract  DistanceValue AbstractDistanceValueAdapter.getDistanceValue(Node node)
 void NodeTextHeightAdapter.setDistance(float distance, Node node)
 void NodeLineWidthAdapter.setDistance(float distance, Node node)
 void DistanceAdapter.setDistance(float distance, Node node)
 void BranchSpaceAboveAdapter.setDistance(float distance, Node node)
 void BranchMinLengthAdapter.setDistance(float distance, Node node)
 void BranchLineWidthAdapter.setDistance(float distance, Node node)
 void AbstractLegendAdapter.setDistance(float distance, Node node)
          This method does nothing.
 void AbstractLabelDistanceAdapter.setDistance(float distance, Node node)
 void AbstractDistanceValueAdapter.setDistance(float distance, Node node)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.newick

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.newick that return Node
private  Node NewickStringReader.readBranch(int start, int end, Node root)
private  Node NewickStringReader.readInternal(int start, int end)
private  Node NewickStringReader.readLeaf(int start, int end)
private  Node NewickStringReader.readSubtree(int start, int end)

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.newick with parameters of type Node
private  void BranchLengthsScaler.calculateAverage(Node root)
private static String NewickStringWriter.formatName(Node node, NodeBranchDataAdapter adapter)
 void CommentDataReader.read(String comment, Node node)
private  Node NewickStringReader.readBranch(int start, int end, Node root)
private  void NewickStringReader.readBranchList(int start, int end, Node root)
private  void NewickStringReader.readName(int previousEnd, int end, Node root, NodeBranchDataAdapter adapter, TranslTable translTable)
private static String NewickStringWriter.writeSubtree(Node root, NodeBranchDataAdapter internalAdapter, NodeBranchDataAdapter leafAdapter, NodeBranchDataAdapter branchLengthAdapter)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.phyloxml

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.phyloxml that return Node
private  Node PhyloXMLReader.readSubtree(StartElement rootElement, Node parent)

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.phyloxml with parameters of type Node
private  void PhyloXMLReader.readDate(Node node)
private  void PhyloXMLReader.readDistribution(Node node)
private  void PhyloXMLReader.readSequence(StartElement rootElement, Node node)
private  Node PhyloXMLReader.readSubtree(StartElement rootElement, Node parent)
private  void PhyloXMLReader.readTaxonomy(Node node)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.xtg

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.xtg that return Node
private  Node XTGReader.readSubtree(StartElement rootElement)

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.io.xtg with parameters of type Node
private  void XTGWriter.writeSubtree(Node root)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.nodebranchdata

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.nodebranchdata that return Node
 Node UniqueNameAdapter.getDataElement(Node node)
 Node NodeNameAdapter.getDataElement(Node node)
 Node HiddenNodeDataAdapter.getDataElement(Node node)

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.nodebranchdata with parameters of type Node
 boolean TextLabelAdapter.assignData(Node node, TextElementData data)
abstract  boolean TextElementDataAdapter.assignData(Node node, TextElementData data)
 boolean NodeNameAdapter.assignData(Node node, TextElementData data)
 boolean HiddenDataAdapter.assignData(Node node, TextElementData data)
protected  void TextLabelAdapter.createData(Node node)
protected abstract  void TextElementDataAdapter.createData(Node node)
          This method should create the data object if does not already exist.
protected  void NodeNameAdapter.createData(Node node)
protected  void HiddenDataAdapter.createData(Node node)
 void UniqueNameAdapter.delete(Node node)
 void TextLabelAdapter.delete(Node node)
 void TextElementDataAdapter.delete(Node node)
 void NodeBranchDataAdapter.delete(Node node)
 void HiddenDataAdapter.delete(Node node)
 void BranchLengthAdapter.delete(Node node)
 TextElementData TextLabelAdapter.getData(Node node)
abstract  TextElementData TextElementDataAdapter.getData(Node node)
 TextElementData NodeNameAdapter.getData(Node node)
 TextElementData HiddenDataAdapter.getData(Node node)
 Node UniqueNameAdapter.getDataElement(Node node)
 TextLabel TextLabelAdapter.getDataElement(Node node)
 Node NodeNameAdapter.getDataElement(Node node)
 ConcretePaintableElement NodeBranchDataAdapter.getDataElement(Node node)
          This method should return the tree element which contains the data which is edited with the implementation of the respective adapter.
 Node HiddenNodeDataAdapter.getDataElement(Node node)
 Branch HiddenBranchDataAdapter.getDataElement(Node node)
 Branch BranchLengthAdapter.getDataElement(Node node)
 ConcretePaintableElement AbstractIDElementAdapter.getDataElement(Node node)
protected  HiddenDataMap HiddenNodeDataAdapter.getDataMap(Node node)
protected abstract  HiddenDataMap HiddenDataAdapter.getDataMap(Node node)
protected  HiddenDataMap HiddenBranchDataAdapter.getDataMap(Node node)
 double UniqueNameAdapter.getDecimal(Node node)
 double TextElementDataAdapter.getDecimal(Node node)
 double NodeBranchDataAdapter.getDecimal(Node node)
 double BranchLengthAdapter.getDecimal(Node node)
 DecimalFormat TextLabelAdapter.getDecimalFormat(Node node)
abstract  DecimalFormat TextElementDataAdapter.getDecimalFormat(Node node)
 DecimalFormat NodeNameAdapter.getDecimalFormat(Node node)
 DecimalFormat HiddenDataAdapter.getDecimalFormat(Node node)
 String UniqueNameAdapter.getText(Node node)
 String TextElementDataAdapter.getText(Node node)
 String NodeBranchDataAdapter.getText(Node node)
 String BranchLengthAdapter.getText(Node node)
 boolean UniqueNameAdapter.isDecimal(Node node)
 boolean TextElementDataAdapter.isDecimal(Node node)
 boolean NodeBranchDataAdapter.isDecimal(Node node)
 boolean BranchLengthAdapter.isDecimal(Node node)
 boolean UniqueNameAdapter.isEmpty(Node node)
 boolean TextElementDataAdapter.isEmpty(Node node)
 boolean NodeBranchDataAdapter.isEmpty(Node node)
 boolean BranchLengthAdapter.isEmpty(Node node)
 boolean UniqueNameAdapter.isString(Node node)
 boolean TextElementDataAdapter.isString(Node node)
 boolean NodeBranchDataAdapter.isString(Node node)
 boolean BranchLengthAdapter.isString(Node node)
 void UniqueNameAdapter.setDecimal(Node node, double value)
 void TextElementDataAdapter.setDecimal(Node node, double value)
 void NodeBranchDataAdapter.setDecimal(Node node, double value)
 void BranchLengthAdapter.setDecimal(Node node, double value)
 void BranchLengthAdapter.setDecimal(Node node, double value, int decimalPlaceCount)
 void UniqueNameAdapter.setText(Node node, String value)
 void TextElementDataAdapter.setText(Node node, String value)
 void NodeBranchDataAdapter.setText(Node node, String value)
 void BranchLengthAdapter.setText(Node node, String value)
 void TextElementDataAdapter.setType(Node node, boolean decimal)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo

Fields in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo declared as Node
private  Node ComplexDocumentEdit.newRoot
private  Node ComplexDocumentEdit.oldRoot

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo that return Node
protected  Node ComplexDocumentEdit.findEquivilant(Node old)
          Returns the node in the new tree (copy of the old) with the equivilant position to old.

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo with parameters of type Node
private  void NodeBranchDataBackup.backupSubtree(Node root)
protected  void SaveLegendsEdit.editSubtreeLegends(Node root)
          This method can be used to adopt the legends of a document prior to deleting a subtree.
protected  Node ComplexDocumentEdit.findEquivilant(Node old)
          Returns the node in the new tree (copy of the old) with the equivilant position to old.
 void NodeBranchDataBackup.restore(Node root)
          Restores the previous values of the specified column if it previously exsited.
private  int NodeBranchDataBackup.restoreSubtree(Node root, int index)

Constructors in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo with parameters of type Node
NodeBranchDataBackup(NodeBranchDataAdapter adapter, Node root)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.edit

Fields in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.edit declared as Node
private  Node[] InsertRemoveLegendEdit.anchor
private  Node InsertSiblingEdit.firstSibling
private  Node InsertSiblingEdit.newParent
private  Node EditNodeBranchDataEdit.newRoot
private  Node PasteSiblingEdit.newSibling
private  Node SeparateBranchEdit.node
private  Node CollapseNodeEdit.node
private  Node EditNodeBranchDataEdit.oldRoot
private  Node PasteSubtreeEdit.parent
protected  Node InsertRemoveSubtreeEdit.parent
private  Node CalculateColumnEdit.position
private  Node PasteSubtreeEdit.root
protected  Node MoveSubtreeEdit.root
private  Node LadderizeEdit.root
protected  Node InsertRemoveSubtreeEdit.root
private  Node DeleteSubelementsEdit.root
private  Node[] DeleteSubelementsEdit.subnodes

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.edit with parameters of type Node
private  void CalculateColumnEdit.calculateSubtree(Node root)
 void LegendPaster.changeUniqueNames(Node root)
          Changes the unique names of the subtree under root and the anchor names of the legends.
private  void LegendPaster.changeUniqueNamesSubtree(Node root)
private  boolean DeleteEdit.containsParent(Node node)
private  void CopyColumnEdit.copySubtree(Node root)
private  void DeleteOutsideIntervalEdit.deleteOutsideIntervalSubtree(Node root)
static void DeleteColumnEdit.deleteSubtree(Node root, NodeBranchDataAdapter adapter)
private  void LadderizeEdit.ladderize(Node root, boolean down)
private  void ReplaceInNodeDataEdit.replace(Node root)
 void RescaleNodeDataEdit.rescale(Node root)
protected  void SetColumnTypeEdit.setDataTypeInSubtree(Node root, TextElementDataAdapter adapter, boolean decimal)

Constructors in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.edit with parameters of type Node
CollapseNodeEdit(Document document, Node node, boolean showWarnings)
DeleteSubelementsEdit(Document document, Node root, boolean showWarnings)
EditNodeBranchDataEdit(Document document, Node newRoot)
InsertLegendEdit(Document document, Legend legend, Node anchor0, Node anchor1)
InsertRemoveLegendEdit(Document document, Legend legend, Node anchor0, Node anchor1)
InsertRemoveSubtreeEdit(Document document, Node parent, Node root, int index)
InsertSiblingEdit(Document document, Node firstSibling, Node newSibling)
InsertSubtreeEdit(Document document, Node parent, Node root, int index)
LadderizeEdit(Document document, Node root, boolean down)
MoveSubtreeEdit(Document document, Node root, boolean down)
PasteLegendEdit(Document document, Node anchor1, Node anchor2, Legend legend)
PasteRootEdit(Document document, Node root, Legend[] legends)
PasteSiblingEdit(Document document, Node firstSibling, Node newSibling, Legend[] legends)
PasteSubtreeEdit(Document document, Node parent, Node root, Legend[] legends)
RemoveSubtreeEdit(Document document, Node parent, Node root, int index, boolean showWarnings)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.file

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.file with parameters of type Node
private  void AddSupportValuesEdit.addLeafFields(Node root, TextElementDataAdapter adapter)
          Adds a boolean field which indicates the leafs located under root to the attribute map of root.
private  void AddSupportValuesEdit.addLeafList(List<TextElementData> list, Node root, TextElementDataAdapter adapter)
          Fills the specified list with the values of all leafs under root.
private  double AddSupportValuesEdit.findHighestConflict(Node root, double highest, Node targetNode, NodeInfo info)
          This method is the recursive part called by findHighestConflict.
private  NodeInfo AddSupportValuesEdit.findSourceNodeWithAllLeafs(Node sourceRoot, LeafField targetLeafs)
private  LeafField AddSupportValuesEdit.getLeafField(Node node)
private  double AddSupportValuesEdit.getSupportValue(Node node)
private static boolean AddSupportValuesEdit.internalsAreDecimal(Node root, NodeBranchDataAdapter adapter)
          Tests if all internal nodes in the subtree under root contain decimal values.
private  void AddSupportValuesEdit.processSubtree(Node targetRoot)
          Finds the support or conflict values in the source document.
private  void ApplyNameTableEdit.rename(Node root, List<String> oldNames, List<String> newNames)
private  int ApplyNameTableEdit.restoreNames(Node root, int pos)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.file.addsupportvalues

Fields in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.file.addsupportvalues declared as Node
private  Node NodeInfo.node

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.file.addsupportvalues that return Node
 Node NodeInfo.getNode()

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.file.addsupportvalues with parameters of type Node
 void NodeInfo.setNode(Node node)

Constructors in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.file.addsupportvalues with parameters of type Node
NodeInfo(Node node, int additionalCount, boolean downwards)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.format

Fields in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.format declared as Node
private  Node ScaleDistanceValuesEdit.root
private  Node DistanceValuesBackup.root

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.format with parameters of type Node
static double NodeBranchDataFormatEdit.calculateMaxNodeData(NodeBranchDataAdapter adapter, Node root)
          Searches for the maximal node data specified by adapter in the subtree under root.
static void AutoPositionLabelsEdit.position(Node root)
private  int DistanceValuesBackup.restoreSubtreeValues(Node root, int index)
          Assigns the previously saved line widths to the branches in the subtree under root.
private  void ColorsByNodeBranchDataEdit.saveOldSubtreeColors(Node root)
          Saves the old colors.
private  void DistanceValuesBackup.saveOldSubtreeValues(Node root)
          Saves the old widths in a linear list (ordering is root, child 0..n)
private  void ColorsByNodeBranchDataEdit.setNewColors(Node root)
          Sets the line colors according to the specified border colors and node data.
private  void ScaleDistanceValuesEdit.setNewSubtreeValues(Node root)
          Sets the branch widths according to the specified rescaling factor.
private  void DistanceValuesByNodeBranchDataEdit.setNewValues(Node root)
          Sets the branch widths according to the specified range and node data.
private  int ColorsByNodeBranchDataEdit.setOldColors(Node root, int index)
          Assigns the previously saved colors in the subtree under root.

Constructors in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.document.undo.format with parameters of type Node
DistanceValuesBackup(Tree tree, Node root, DistanceAdapter[] targetAdapters)
ScaleDistanceValuesEdit(Document document, Node root, float factor, DistanceAdapter[] targetAdapters)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.positionpaint

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.graphics.positionpaint with parameters of type Node
protected  float RectangularCladogramPositioner.calculateCornerRadiusShift(Node node, float y)
          Returns the space between the right of the node and the real position of the node line dependant of the y position.
protected  float PhylogramPositioner.calculateCornerRadiusShift(Node node, float y)
          This method is overwritten to ensure that no corner radius in painted.
private  DistanceDimension RectangularCladogramPositioner.calculateTaxonDimension(Node taxon)
private  float RectangularCladogramPositioner.calculateWidthsHeights(Node root)
private  void RectangularCladogramPositioner.moveSubtree(Node root, float dX, float dY)
private  void RectangularCladogramPainter.paintInternalNode(Node n)
          Paints the given node.
private  void RectangularCladogramPainter.paintLeaf(Node leaf)
private  void RectangularCladogramPainter.paintPointNode(Node n)
private  void RectangularCladogramPainter.paintSubtree(Node root)
private  float RectangularCladogramPositioner.positionElements(Node root, float overallWidth, float y0)
          Positions the subtree under root.
protected  float RectangularCladogramPositioner.rescaleNodeWidth(Node node, float width)
          This methode can be overwritten by extending classes to define a different rescaling process.
protected  float PhylogramPositioner.rescaleNodeWidth(Node node, float width)
          This method is overwritten to ensure that no corner radius in painted.
private  float RectangularCladogramPositioner.rescaleSubtree(Node root, float shift)
          Rescales the subtree under root.
private  ConcretePaintableElement RectangularCladogramPositioner.searchElementToPosition(Node root, float x, float y, float margin)
private  boolean RectangularCladogramPainter.subtreeVisible(Node root)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.edit

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.edit that return Node
protected  Node MoveSubtreeAction.getSelectedNode(TreeSelection selection)
          Returns the node that should be moved if the selection contains this node or its afferent branch as the first element.

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.actions.edit with parameters of type Node
static boolean NewNodeAction.insertSubtree(Document document, Node parent, Node root)
          Inserts a new subelement as the last subelement of the given parent.
static boolean NewNodeAction.insertSubtree(Document document, Node parent, Node root, int index)
          Inserts a new subelement at the given position.
private  void SearchTextAction.searchSubtree(Node root)

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.io

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.io with parameters of type Node
private  String ExportNodeDataTableModel.getValue(NodeBranchDataAdapter adapter, Node node)
 void ExportNodeDataTableModel.writeData(File file, Node root, ExportNodeDataTableModel.Nodes nodes)
 void ExportNodeDataTableModel.writeData(OutputStream stream, Node root, ExportNodeDataTableModel.Nodes nodes)
private  void ExportNodeDataTableModel.writeSubtree(Node root)
          Writes the node data of the subtree under root as a text.

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.specialformats

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.dialogs.specialformats with parameters of type Node
 void ColorAdapterListModel.setAdapters(Node root)
          Creates all color adapters valid for the subtree under root.
 void DistanceAdapterListModel.setAdapters(Tree tree, Node root, boolean includeLegendFormats)
          Creates all distance adapters valid for the subtree under root.

Uses of Node in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.treeframe

Fields in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.treeframe with type parameters of type Node
private  Vector<Node> DocumentTableModel.nodes

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.treeframe that return Node
 Node TreeSelection.getFirstLeaf()

Methods in info.bioinfweb.treegraph.gui.treeframe with parameters of type Node
private  void DocumentTableModel.fillAdapterList(Node root)
private  void DocumentTableModel.fillNodeList(Node root)
 int DocumentTableModel.getRow(Node node)